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Chris Schmitt

Chris brings over 25 years of experience to his customers as a trusted consultant, trainer and coach. He has worked broadly across the financial, manufacturing and service sectors allowing him to share his unique insights into a variety of business, process and technology challenges. He focuses exclusively on the application of Lean Agile principles to product and service-based organizations, helping his clients understand how to evolve appropriately from where they are now. 


His experience with deterministic approaches was never particularly effective or satisfying - to either the PMs driving them or those teams trying to deliver the results. One day, Lean/Agile/Scrum showed up at his doorstep. He and a close friend started talking about Agile in earnest on their long commutes to and from work. These discussions eventually culminated in an early adoption of Scrum and XP. They struggled, they got good results, they had fun. It was not easy. 


Across his next few jobs, he continued to grow his understanding and then apply Lean Agile/Kanban/Scrum principles whereever practical. More people got interested, with more good results. Now, working in Lean Agile ways is all he wants to do, all he will do.


Why AgileDance?


Much like dancing, I see this work as a way to move with people and organizations, blending in various Lean Agile mindsets, principles and practices. It is a process of learning, dialoging, being engaged, improving with each step, developing a rhythm and approach that brings success and great satisfaction.

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